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Image7merganser“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties,” by Erich Fromm.

I am never certain of what bits of my writing people will connect with — be it fiction or non-fiction. With my non-fiction writing such as my blog posts — people seem to connect with the pieces that as I hit the submit button — my anxiety level shoots up. Is it stupid? Will it offend? Did I show too many of my inner broken pieces so that I scare people away? Fiction pieces that I’ve agonized over don’t seem to merit high praise. I used to be in a critique group and the stories I dashed off in 20 minutes were the ones that got rave reviews. I wrote down whatever flowed out and didn’t fuss about it.

Today’s Intention: Be inspired.

To be inspired means to be in spirit. Yesterday, was the first time in almost a year that I felt inspired to work on my fiction writing. Somehow trying to literally survive my MCS — I found myself existing more in the organic world — the world of non-fiction — “Just the facts, Ma’am” (Sgt. Joe Friday on Dragnet). The books I’ve read have been non-fiction. The blogs I mostly follow are non-fiction. I took up photography. How much more real can life get than capturing a moment of time on film — digital or otherwise.

Image1robinThere were three blogs I viewed in the last few days and a singing robin that really set off the creative urge to write fiction again. In each of the women’s posts they combined words with photos or art — to transcend what neither would have been alone. (View posts: one or two  or three.

I took a photo of a robin singing this morning and realized that although I like the photo — it is missing something. It is missing the transcendence that was achieved when I viewed the other posts. The photo does not contain the bird song that filled the crisp morning air. It does not capture how ridiculous my cat, Nox and I looked leaning out of the window trying to capture the shot without falling out.

Image4gooseTo me, creativity is the synergy between the organic and the ethereal — the real and imagined — substance and Light.

I believe we were all gifted with creativity. I believe many have suppressed this natural part of being human as a trade off for fame or glory or money. How many politician’s got into politics to serve the greater good — to make a difference — only to find themselves worrying about if they vote with their heart — will they get re-elected? How many celebrities got into theater for the love of dance or singing — only to OD because the fame meter slipped a tad? My biggest fear is that some day I will be famous and I will forget to walk barefoot in the grass. I will forget that I take photos for the joy of it. I will forget that I write to serve a greater good.


imperfect shot


imperfect shot

I hope each person today has at least a few moments to be present in a moment of their creativity. And I hope when you’re in that moment you don’t worry if it is a perfect moment or not.

Just that it is joyful.


Image3riverI hope your creativity flows freely and abundantly today.

What is your creative spark? What do you do that makes you lose track of time and space? What do you do that is as important to you as breathing air? Has what creatively motivates you changed as you’ve gotten older?

Love, Colleen